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About us

HERBISTAN NATURALS is a unique organization that is committed to the Health-Based upon the Unani System of Medicine. HERBISTAN NATURALS basic understanding is the objective i.e. to make the medicines available to the ailing masses.
Unani / Ayurveda system of medicines owes its origin to Greek/India. It was Greek philosopher-physician Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.) who freed medicine from the realm of superstition and magic and gave it a status of science.
The strength of this system lie in the fact that the medicines that were advocated them is still good now. Only improvements have been made and are being made in dispensing methodology with new dosage forms.
We at HERBISTAN NATURALS, had pioneered and championed the cause in several cases. Since the alkaloidal chemistry is known now. This system embrace within it’s fold, medicines of plant, mineral and animal origin. It’s popularity is spread to Europe, Africa (Egypt), Asia (Syria, Iraq, Iran). In India Unani system of medicine came into practice around 400 A.D. introduced by Arabs.
Every person has a unique humeral constitution which represents this healthy state to maintain the correct humeral balance there is a power of self adjustment called immunity in the body.